2011년 11월 26일 토요일

외국인이 리뷰하는 유그드라 유니온

When Yggdra Union was released in 2006 for the GameBoy Advance, its intricate tactics system andengrossing story went largely unnoticed. Thankfully, developer Altus decided to port the game for the PSP,topping off what was already a great game with an incredible amount of polish. Yggdra Union looks bolder, sounds better, and feels like an entirely different game than before-it's one title no PSP owner should overlook.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Underappreciated in its time, this fantastic tactical RPG is getting a second life on the PSP. If you missed it the first time around, don't make the same mistake twice: play this game.
In Yggdra Union, you take the role of Princess Yggdra as she flees an evil empire that hasoverrun the Kingdom of Fantasinia. You engage in turn-based battles using cards that dictateeverything from field movement to attacks; there are also status cards that boost your unit's power and provide you with magic spells. There's a deep sense of strategy as you need tocarefully manage your cards as well as take into account the advantages and disadvantages that your troops have against specific enemies and weapon types. Yggdra Union's card-based combat system can be intimidating but fortunately, the difficulty curve is never too steep and there are various in-game tutorials to guide you.
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone
I was also seriously impressed by the game's presentation. Hands down, Yggdra Union has some of the most memorable voice acting I've heard in any game. The cutesy art style is alsocharming but it's nicely counterbalanced by a story arc that is serious and laden with tragedy, plot twists, and moral dilemmas. Worth noting is the fact that most of the artwork in the game is completely new and Atlus' efforts really show.
Although its overzealous combat system takes some getting used to, Yggdra Union is a rare gem that manages to stay interesting after hours and hours of playtime. In my opinion, it's a must-have for PSP owners and it is, without a doubt, one of the best titles I've played this year.
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone
Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone

PROS: A great port of a great game; Atlus really put a lot of effort into this one.
CONS: Some units are (still) severely unbalanced, which can cause headaches.

세줄 요약

게임 시스템, 음악, 성우 모두 훌륭해!
근데 그림체가 조금 스토리랑 안어울려.
어쨋든 존나 재밌는 게임이니까 닥치고 해봐!
(ps. 캐릭터 밸런스 존나 안맞아!)
이런 내용인데,
정말로 세계 어느나라 사람이든 느끼는건 같은거같다.
근데 영어판은 아틀러스에서 팔았나?
얘는 왜 아틀러스 얘기만 주구장창 꺼내지?

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